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boys - he's back to get his furniture and cut loose from Erie for good. He said he was developing a new washing machine - had a thousand parts strung all over a big room and couldn't figure how to put them together so they would work properly. Apparently McNairy also is being transferred to Bridgeport, but I believe in some engineering capacity.

Miss Giblin told me today that Shapter wont speak to [[underline]] her [[/underline]]! That is a good example of how utterly unreasonable he is. What earthly reason could there be for his feeling any resentment toward her, except that as Whitey's secretary she is necessarily close to what goes on.

A.J. Woodward told me today that the shop had been planning to spend $500 to turn down 34" wheels to 33" for the B&M job and wanted an AN from him to cover it. He had refused so they were going to ask me for authorization to charge it to the job or take a three weeks delay in shipment! I said to A.J. they could go to hell - they should have ordered new 33" wheels because the 34" wheels are good stock. He agreed.

I was happy to find when I got home that Maybelle Scarborough was there for dinner and Charlie and Barbara Reed were coming in later for Tripoley. I needed something like that after this tough day at the plant. Maybelle looked attractive in a very low necked dress that showed her off to good advantage - I find that time is healing my resentment toward her over the divorce. After all who am I to judge her, not knowing all the facts of the case.

After dinner, nothing would do but that I take Rog up to the Model Plane Shop at 26th and Parade and get a new model to start on. We picked a Northrup Navy pursuit plane that ought to be fun although a bit complicated.