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the Tripoley party was hilarious, all in a good mood and "unlaxed" plenty. Willie kidded Maybelle into inserting her handkerchief into the ample opening at her bosom, which was quite a blow to the men, and it didn't stay there for long. I would guess that Maybelle is both conscious and proud of the fact she has beautiful breasts and is never loath to let them show to their best advantage. Charlie Reed was in a very fine mood - I rather guess that the military situation makes him feel more important and more independent. Being a major in the reserve, he would probably be a Lt. Col. if he goes into the Army and that would mean considerably more money and responsibility and prestige than he has with the G.E. I'm glad for his sake; I think he has had a pretty lousy deal from the G.E.

Erie, Pa.,
Thursday, Sept. 26, '40.

This morning I looked up Dick Miller and inquired on the B&M wheel situation and after hearing his side of the  story, I was sorry that I had remarked the factory could go to hell. It was a telling lesson in why one should try to see the other fellow's point of view before sounding off. Dick said he hadn't got his engineering instructions until two weeks ago (which I checked and it is correct) and he couldn't get a promise from Bethlehem on new 33" wheels that would allow him to meet his shipping promise. So he put up to Downie and Woodward the question of turning down 34" wheels in stock and they dilly-dallied giving an answer so he took the bull by the horns and decided to do it anyway. He assured me the job would not suffer - he would have to take it on the chin as "bad labor" and absorb it - he saw he was wrong in not ordering 33" wheels and extending shipment.