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This evening Mother Rog and I went to see the Academy-Strong Vincent football game.  Babbie is laid up with a cold so she and Willie stayed home.  It was Rog's first football game and he was greatly excited.  We were all rooting for S.V. but it did no good.  Academy smashed them 38 to 12 and showed they have a very powerful, smooth running team.  One boy in particular, Arthur Schmidt, #13, shown out spectacularly and looks like good college material.  It was a lovely, clear, chill night and with all the color of those Erie high school games - bands, cheering, etc - it was almost as interesting as many a college game I've seen.  Rog was loyal to Vincent even in defeat and wanted a Vincent button to wear but we were unsuccessful in getting one much to his disappointment.  Some day I'd like to see him out there starring for Vincent - that would be a thrill.  He's overweight so far and I'm hoping he will be a husky.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Sept.28, 1940.
Bobbie woke up this morning with her cold worse and sick at her stomach - so Willie got Dr. Gammon out to look her over and he said there was an epidemic of colds with upset stomachs raging all over town which made us stop worrying about her. I have had my cold for several days but it is better so I joined Gordon McDonald, Bob Nomine and Ross Brackett for an 18 hole session at Edinboro today and enjoyed it enormously. It was a perfect fall day - clear, cool and the trees just starting to turn. I tried hard to improve my game and I think persistence finally accomplished something because I go a 66 on the first 9 and a 51 on the second and was forcing the game