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was hanging down. Kinney headed back to Sch'dy. where ambulance, doctors, nurses, fireengines etc. were assembled at the airport. He came in fast and just as he figured his wheels were about to touch, he rolled her way over on the good side as far as he could without hitting the wing on the ground; then just as the wheel touched, he slammed her over the other way and by more luck than good management, the broken gear came up and locked into place and he made a perfect landing.

Pritch and I got through at the Ordnance Dept. about 4:15 PM and had to cool our heels somewhere until 6:50 PM train time. I rather hesitantly suggested the movies or a cocktail lounge and Pritch leaped at the latter. We went to the Willard and there I learned that Pritch can and does drink and enjoys it. I was a little puzzled as to how hard I should push the drinking as we had a long time to waste - and I discovered that Pritch fell in gladly with my suggestion of one scotch and soda per half hour. And after we got on the train Pritch was aggreeable to another before dinner on the diner! And they all were drinks! We had a nice sociable time at the Willard. Pritch is good company and I got him talking interestingly about his two trips abroad and especially England. We got a kick too out of the people around us: three Jews and an Irish girl at the next table, the Jews in the SEC etc; an American escorting a chinese and ^[[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] mulatto girl; two pretty girls at the next table, one of whom looked like Patty at Basin Harbor; an old lady drinking a mint julep alone.

Had a prefect sleep on the "puddle jumper" last night and went to bed early tonight - the five drinks made me terribly sleepy. I couldn't last to Harrisburg.

Transcription Notes:
Reviewed and removed 2 unnecessary [[new paragraph]]. Just double spaced. Added ^[[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] - nwmath