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thought all the divorce testimony was secret but through some slip it got into the papers and it is easy to see why he is furious after reading the clippings. He knew all the testimony and in fact brought it all to the Reeds one night and insisted on reading it to them. Charlie says the exerpts in the paper are mild compared to some of it. Reading between the line, I gather the cause for divorce ("indignities to the person") was, as Charlie once said, "too much zeal" on Walter's part and a brutal and utterly disrespectful way of carrying it out. The reference in the paper to "just a hunk of meat" speaks worlds. Actually the nudist camp activities could have had little to do with it because Maybelle is reported to have been as much in favor of that as Walter. Another interesting sidelight is that Walter's photographic hobby started when he was faced with the necessity of developing and printing photos of Maybelle in the nude taken at the camps! His reason for joining the Erie Club is given as a desire to meet Maybelle's lawyer Rossiter and show him what a good fellow he is actually. His reason for cultivating the banker is said to be a desire to prevent the banker from revealing something he has on Walter and thus increase his chances of preventing the divorce from going through. Now that the divorce has gone through and been spread luridly in the papers entirely to Walter's disadvantage, he has let all the bars of restraint down and is giving vent to all the rage he has been withholding for months. His contention is that through all this affair, he has been a gentleman and kept his mouth shut and for it he has received nothing but the dirty end of the stick and now he's going to blow off. As far as his threats are concerned I do not believe that he will carry them out - its too late for that now. I was surprised he didn't do something