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violent about the banker when he found out his part in the affair- instead he made a buddy out of him! I think the chances of anything violent being done now are pretty slim.

We were pretty excited about all this when we drove up to the Collins but it was surprising how quickly a few drinks pushed Maybelle and Walter clean out of our minds and we got down to a good Tripoley session. Saw the plans for the Collins' new house and it will be a beauty. The thing that impressed me was that there was four times as much specification there for a $15,000 house as we put out for a locomotive worth ten times as much! No wonder we get involved in arguments with customers over what they bought!

Poor old Johnnie Johnson died today at 66.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Oct.6. 1940.
This has been a very uneventful day and no reports of any violence on the Scarborough front.I would like to phone the Reeds but we have not told Mother all the lurid details and so I cant phone very well with her around. However, if there had been anything sensational. I guess we would have heard about it.

For some reason, I felt awfully washed out today - it must have been a combination of a lot of work and exercise yesterday plus the dissipation of last night. I feel OK again tonight but felt awfully jittery most of the day. A tough week that way as a matter of fact - I just figured out I had some 20 odd drinks during the course of the week, a lot for me.

This afternoon we took a ride and stopped at the airport when the American Flagships were due. The east-