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and Gouldy were completely disdainful at first of anything being wrong and agreed to check balance more as a matter of courtesy than anything else - but when they found trouble, I give them credit for a very painstaking job this time. Thus at last (we hope) after four balancings the armature is right. I can't yet understand why the thing ran smoothly after the last previous balance unless a freak of assembly compensated for the imbalance.

Other incidents of the day:

1.) Wrote Freddie Thalman to see if they would meet us in Buffalo for dinner at Lorenzo's next Sunday.

2.) "Shorty" Miles made Shapter laugh about the Ohio State game Saturday and Shap actually gave me a look during his laugh - hope arises in my breast!

3.) Jim McKenzie came back to work today looking well after his recent breakdown - heart attack so I understand.

4.) Zeke Tinkey reported he's leaving tonight so we put the heat on Barrell to hold him or get a substitute at this crucial moment on the N.Y.C. Zeke's first name is "Irwin" and the power behind the Cummin's throne has the last name of "Irwin". I wonder if Zeke is a country cousin!

5.) Famed cop "Bull Montana" is now in charge of the East Gate days since old man "Sour Puss" Parker retired. As I walked them thru the East Gate today, Bull says "That's a good picture of you." I realized he meant the picture in my G.E. badge so I stopped to chat a moment. The Bull says, "Most of 'em aren't much good. Look at mine! My god, I don't look like that!" Actually I thought the picture flattered the Bull, one of the homeliest mugs in existence, but I agreed with him.