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6.) This evening we sneaked over the the Pattern Shop to look at the full size mock-up of the front end of the 50 ton tank, taking Ken Wolf with us. I think he got a kick out of it. I know I rather did too - going into a dark building and examining off in a corner this dummy of such a machine of destruction - I got nearly as much thrill as if I were a little boy.

7.) This evening Wolf, Gouldy and I also sneaked over to the Wagon Wheel bar in Wesleyville for a couple of bottles of beer to fortify us. Over there Ken discovered the bartender was an old New York Central yard man who worked on the West Side in New York and the bartender waxed eloquent over how he got the job. "I was just a red headed kid fresh out of the navy with $400 in my shoe" he said, "and I got a job as a car clerk. The first day some boss comes in and calls me a son-of-a bitch and I clips 'em. So the big boss comes in to see me and I says, 'I don't know who you are but you seem to be a standin' up for that guy I clipped an' yer liable to get clipped yourself!' I didn't give a goddam I had $400 in my shoe, which might not seem much to you guys but it was a lot fer me then. He says to me, "I like yer guts, kid,' and you know, I worked there fer seven years!"

8) Walt Scarborough saw Maybelle and the meeting is reported to have been amicable - Maybelle tamed him just as she boasted she could. Now Walts threats have simmered down to a suit against her for some money he put into the house and I imagine that will be settled out of court.