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9.) I bought a YMCA "Worthy Boy" membership and today had a letter from my worthy boy, James F. Carter, 12 years, of 435 East 8th St., thanking me. It was the nicest letter I ever got from a worthy boy. He says he is a member of the Lutheran Sunday school and hasn't missed a Sunday in four years. He says also, and this is what "got" me - "The reason I can't afford a membership myself is because my daddy has been sick for ten years."

Erie, Pa., 
Tuesday, Oct. 8, 1940.
Miss Giblin asked me this morning if I was going to the farewell dinner for McNarry Friday, which also is an Elfern dinner, and I said I wouldn't be going to that. "Aren't you an Elfern?" she asked and I said no. "Isn't that silly," she said, "one of the best men they have!" I laughed and she said, "Well, you are. They all say so. The curve just isn't the right shape!" I hope my next raise gets me "on the curve." It certainly should. Miss Giblin is a brick!

Capt. Cummings arrived at the plant "from Wisconsin" (Wisconsin Axle Co. I would guess, on mechanical drive) at 10 AM and announced he had to catch the 12:20 PM plane for Washington. So we had him for one hour and a half! We had time only for an inspection of the mock-up. We all got the impression the Captain was not as receptive as before and we felt worried. However, he assured us finally he would not make the final choice of drives for the second pilot until one week from tomorrow which would give us time to get in all our final data, suggestions, etc. John Aydelott disturbed me greatly by being quite critical of our treatment when talking to the Captain - intimated we had