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not been given a square shake - sometimes I think John doesn't use very good judgment. After Captain Cummings had left, the boys were dejected, even morose. The Motor Boys, I know, feel we haven't done a good selling job in our department. Gouldy's theory is that General Barnes is eating anything Colonel Green of General Motors feeds him through the SAE Committee the Ordnance Dept. consults with on this sort of work and we have no similar set-up or "inside track." Colonel Green had Electro-Motive submit some suggestions on electric drive that Capt. Cummings simply laughed at they were so silly - Gouldy thinks they made it silly with the idea of making electric drive look silly. Gen. Barnes must be dumb if he can't see through that sort of asininity. My impression is that the Army and the Navy have an enormous amount of respect for the G.E. Co. and any decisions they make are made upon facts and in their best judgment. I haven't given up hope yet. Furthermore Cap. Horn knows Gen'l Barnes well and I don't believe Horn is missing many bets even though he may not be as famed an engineer as Col. Green. This G-M crowd always pain me enormously. Horn invited me to attend the Army Ordnance Assn. dinner in New York last week Friday, when I was there Tuesday with Pritch and as he had to know that day, I turned it down not knowing if Whitey himself was going. I think General Barnes was going with Horn and I can see now I missed a bet there. Never again will I be wishy-washy on a thing like that. I'm rather afraid it didn't make too good an impression on Horn either.

I learned this morning that the New York Central engine ran smoothly without the generator and they spent the day putting the job together again for the crucial check