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Bill, Jay, Wolf Larson and I had dinner at the Lawrence and Bill was in high spirits. He told the story of the trip the locomotive had back from Auburn and I thought he would split- how they called him from "Alabama" N.Y. on the West Shore, she was tied up and a crew went out to salvage her and 36 hours later he got a wire she was tied up again in "Athol" which he discovered was three miles west of Alabama! He said the run from Buffalo to Erie was okay but I reminded him that on that trip they only burned out two axle bearings and warped the gear case so badly it had to be rebuilt. Bill said after the wire from Athol he nicknamed it the "Inch Worm."
Much to my surprise Andy Johnson blew in today from Boston although I had told Neil to hold him there until today anyhow. He's here well ahead of schedule as the locos wont start going to test until the end of the week. 

Got home at 10:30 PM. The earliest so far this week and went to bed PDQ and tired.
Buffalo, N.Y.
Thursday, Oct.10. 1940.
Had word to see Cash Davis first thing this morning and he said, "You know Rudy Krape was scheduled to give a talk to the Central Railroad Club in Buffalo tonight. Well, he's detained in Washington and---." The rest he had to say was unnecessary. I agreed to go - reluctantly, very reluctantly. It developed my major job was to introduce a movie Lynch and Richardson took of diesel-electrics working in Buffalo which wasn't quite so good- or rather so bad (Lynch couldn't go because he's expecting to become a father again