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3.) Recently an East Erie night crew stole some boxes of refrigerator dishes from the warehouse and when over on the Nickel Plate transfer, tossed them in the bushes. A New York Central man going home, stumbled onto them by accident and thinking them stolen from a NYC car, notified the NYC police, who nabbed the East Erie men when they came later to collect the boxes. The engineer was Bard, who has been with the East Erie for years. Another was a Pennsy man loaned to the East Erie. Another was an exWPA man. All three were fired but not prosecuted by the G.E. when George interceded with Emmet for them. The Pennsy man got his job back on the P.R.R. The ex-WPA man got back on the WPA. But poor Bard, a Sunday School superintendent in Wesleyville was out of luck and all the intercessions on his behalf with George and Emmet couldn't get him back because it is a Company rule any employee found guilty of stealing is fired and stays fired. George fears Bard may do away with himself, because he is too old to get another railroad job and railroading is all he knows.

When I arrived at the Statler I was told I was lined up to room with Tom Sawyer and was taken up to a two room suite where Tom, Harold Townend and old man Singer, NYC master mechanic, were already sopping up scotch. I found Willie had done a fine job of packing my bag except she had forgotten my shaving brush so I had to borrow some Barbasol from Tom to shave. Then Harold Townend disturbed my very unstable equilibrium by saying I should make a speech in addition to introducing the movie - later after consultation