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perhaps Walt never should have let up on his heavy tactics - believed when he got soft with her, he may have lost her.

Tom left me at 1.30 AM presumably to catch a train for somewhere.

Erie, Pa, 
Friday, Oct. 11, 1940.
Caught the 7.50 AM train for Erie and was in the office at 10 AM. Went after the tank immediately and conferred with Gouldy, John Agdelott and Pritchard on material for our closing letter on the tank drive proposal to go with our suggested tank layout. I composed the letter and everyone seemed to think it a good one - it went and I hope it helps Horn pull the job out of the fire. At John's suggestion, I requested that Horn get us permission to have a designing engineer in Washington for a week or so from now on until the job is settled - just there to answer questions and see our job is fully understood. This suggestion came originally from Alger who has been in Washington lately and feels we are not adequately represented on this job - "are not getting to the generals" as Pritch put it. When I went to Mark Hanna to be sure he would come through with a man when required he hemmed and hawed, said he wasn't sure we were doing right to push this job so hard - if he were in the Ordnance Dept. he thought he would try hard to "do this job with gears" and he thought he could! But he agreed to send Gouldy who unquestionably is the best man to go.

St. L. called on me to take Calkins, ex-manager of the Buffalo Office, Poag and Russell of the Buffalo Lamp Works to dinner or rather lunch. They are here for the Elfun dinner tonight. I found