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was happy, and the French got good lamps to boot.

2.) St.L. countered with this [[underlined]] prize [[/underlined]]. Erie Works built a tremendous number of shells for the Russians during the last war. There were a lot of inspectors and they were fussy as hell and didn't know what was really good and what wasn't. One day, the Chief Inspector arrived. He was a learned gentleman much interested in American ways of doing things and St.L. gave him a big education on the piece work system - sold him the idea thoroughly. So the ^[[chief]] inspector had the happy thought of putting his shell inspectors on the piece work system! He did, and where the inspecting floor had once been dead and devoid of the sound of inspectors hammering their approval stamps on shell cases, it now sounded like a boiler factory! And St.L's troubles with the inspectors were over. (I don't quite know whether to believe this one or not.)

The New York Central is due to be shipped tomorrow! Enough said!

Roger wrote recently for 40 packages of X-mas seals which, if he sells at 10ยข each, will entitle him to receive any one of a number of prizes. I didn't think he'd make out too well on it but thought it would be good for him to try if he wanted to. They came Wednesday, and I came home tonight to learn he already has sold 22! Nicky Greer was somewhat critical of trying to sell them so early - thought it would be better to wait until nearer X-mas, to which Rog replied severely, "Nicky, [[underlined]] that [[/underlined]] would be poor business!"