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So tonight when her (Glass) front door was lashed to the screen door so it couldnt be opened, she lost patience and called the police who arrived in almost no time in a cruiser car. They claimed they had been prowling the neighborhood but had seen no children. Later a gang of hoodlums came trooping down the street dragging an empty ashcan and "setting" car horns as they went, I phoned the police but this time they never showed up much to my disgust. I dont see why we have to put up with such stuff!

Willie acted worried tonight as I asked her what was wrong and she tells me her thyroid is acting up again, making her heart pound with the slightest exertion. She says Dr. Gage tells her the only cure is an operation- there is a limit to the amount of medication a person can take and she has reached the limit. So I dont know if its a false alarm or something will have to be done, it cant be allowed to go this way indefinitely if it doesnt clear itself up.

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Oct. 13. 1940.
Today we all drove to Buffalo to see the autumn colors and have a dinner at Lorenzo's that left us scarcely able to walk. Rog proudly wore 5 Willkie buttons which caused him to take the eye of an elderly gentleman in Lorenzo's who kidded him about being a Democrat and finally said "That boy is going to be President someday." Whereupon our waiter said, "Wouldnt you surprised if that actually came true some day!" Well, of course, it might. Rog certainly seems to have a power over people, they all seem to fall for him.

Mother has been very anxious to have Dusky sleep in her room at night. So last night she