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tried it and reported this morning she had to put him out on the back porch in his own "house" after about 10 minutes for fear he would chew everything up in her room. We have a problem on what to do with him soon for it will be too cold for him to spend his nights on the porch and he is so silly about eating everything in sight and furthermore is not yet thoroughly housebroken. I wish he could be trained to sleep in her room for company and also protection.

Whitey Wilson phoned his evening to invite us to go to State College Nov. 2 for a football weekend. On account of the problem of leaving the children, I fear we shall have to refuse it - also the expense. Somehow, every time I get a raise, I think I'll be on easy street but I never seem to quite get there. It is better now, particularly with Mother here, but I still have a hard time making the bank account do the ascention act very rapidly. 

Buffalo, N.Y.
Monday, Oct. 14, 1940.
The official announcement came out today that McNarry has been made Assistant to Manager Engineering, of Bridgeport Works and Otto Keep has been appointed his successor. This appointment of Otto is a good precedent for me if the Shapter deal fails to materialize since Otto was picked from the ranks and elevated over the heads of section leaders into the position of assistant engineer. This Shapter proposition has me stumped - Whitey has made no mention of it for three weeks as I recall our last discussion. In the meantime, Shap's section has been rolling in the business at a fast rate and perhaps Whitey has decided to give