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managers and some Alco people, that Roy Goggin attended so we saw little of him all day. Somehow, to me Roy appeared worried, preoccupied and somewhat dissipated - perhaps it was only my imagination; I hope it was. He was friendly - ingraciating [[sic]] as ever, and brought me some match box covers from Marion, inquired how the family is. I like Roy - always shall. I think he's upset over not being made manager yet - also at the prospect of military service that will upset his G.E. progress.

Ran into Commander Hill, Garmand, Jordan, Disco Brehob [[?]] and Harold Ogden in the Commodore Perry Room and bought them a drink after some kidding by Hank Disco (who still calls me "Fred") that I owed him several drinks. Willie was at the Ogden's this evening at some female affair and reported that when Harold came home, with almost no provocation, launched into Ethel before everyone about her father not doing right by them in connection with the apartment (which they rent from him). I wonder if Harold is one who gets mean after a few drinks.

Horn phoned today and wants us down in Washington Monday to confer on a "target car," remotely controlled and third rail operated, for airplanes to shoot at while it tears around an intricate system of trackage at high speed. He reported the tank decision still in abeyance but thought we had a good chance for our electric drive proposition. No one has been called to Washington on it yet.

News at home:

1.) Rog socked Boyd Burt on the jaw - good!

2.) Bab has a big picture of Willkie hanging in her room. I inquired if she was voting for him. "Yes," she replied instantly, "if he runs for a fourth term!"