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said, "You see, there [[underlined]]are[[/underlined]] people who love me," just as I had expected even to the exact wording. After the high pressure existence I lead lately, it is almost too much to come home to this sort of nerve racking thing.

Erie, Pa.,
Saturday, Oct. 19, 1940.
We tried Dusky again in the kitchen last night with the same results only worse as to quantity and smell, so this afternoon, Rog and I constructed in the basement under the cellar stairs an enclosed pen for him out of lumber from Rog's demolished shack. Dusky howled so violently from it tonight while we were at Lamborn's that they had to put him on the back porch. We put him in his new pen at 12:30 AM with a few puppy biscuits and this time he "stayed" without wailing for some reason. Wow! What a relief!

The latest dope on the Scarborough affair is that Maybelle has disappeared and no one knows where she is. Walter also has left town apparently and no one has seen him.

Had a good Tripoley session at the Lamborn's tonight - Charlie Reed was there as Barbara is in Huntingdon. Charlie seemed happy and I wonder if it is because of the imminent change in his job.

Willie told me today that her thyroid trouble is better and she thinks it is aggravated by nervousness - last week she was swamped with PTA work etc. and was nervous. I hope it will clear up without an operation. I have caught a cold in the glands in the left side of my neck - am not surprised after the pace I've been going the past two weeks. Am disappointed as I thought my tonsils would cure that but Willie says it takes a year to get rid of all the poison in one's system.