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Enroute to Washington DC.
Sunday, Oct. 20, 1940.
Great excitement of the day was Dusky's escape through the front screen door and the subsequent ten minute chase through the neighborhood during which Dusky was threatened ominously by a bristling chow dog and later more seriously, by being in the middle of the street at the corner while two cars passed him simultaneously. This last was almost too much; Bab was crying, Willie yelling - the rest of us paralyzed with apprehension. Dusk was finally captured by Bab who nailed him with a near flying tackle, and we all sighed profound relief!

This excitement was followed by a fight between Bab and Rog which lasted as a feud from mid-morning well on into the afternoon when they finally agreed to make up and hugged each other. No one ever learned the exact cause of the trouble except that Rog claimed Bab caused him to break a bushel basket during some leaf raking and all my protestations as the to unimportance of it failed to calm him down. He insisted he should buy me another one and apparently felt he should take it out on her someway.

Inasmuch as we had a very early autumn snow yesterday (we have had a furnace fire since Thursday) I put a half gallon of alcohol in the car today, an all time record for early season protection.

Caught the 6 PM Pennsy puddlejumper for Washington. Ran into Rufus Duer and his wife (I assume) on the platform, down to see his parents off. Rufus recently married Rosella Barry, daughter of J.G. Barry retired G.E. vice-president in charge of sales. So Rufus probably is well set to remain a G.E. man if he so desires. I'm not implying he married her for such a reason - I have always liked Rufus and thought