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letter of intent was coming out this week on the 5"/38 job but his story agreed with Clark's - the letter would allow us to go ahead fully but contains a cancellation clause implying the thing eventually may not go through.

Horn turned Cain and me over to White who was really very friendly and human today and took us down to meet Carl Geroux, a civilian and ex-G.E. transportation man who used to work for Ralph Beers and now is in the Army Engineers. Geroux told us the story of the target car, an electrically propelled "rabbit" carrying a dummy plane, which scoots around an intricate trackage, remotely controlled, and is shot at with machine guns from 600 yds. but would be airplane gunners. Barel and I decided we could and should offer to do the job which doesnt appear difficult but rather interesting, and might ultimately lead to repeat orders. So we'll submit a bid, I think. Geroux seemed well informed and nice to work with. It would be a nice little project to follow through.

Stopped to see Capt Cummings on the tank drive and he said they had been so busy on getting the hydromatic tank started, they hadnt got yet to selecting the drive for the second tank - but when they did he thought it would be an excellent plan to have Gouldthorpe there, particularly when they mock-up the electric drive in their full size wood model at Eddystone, and he would try to line it up that way. Beyond that, we could get little out of him. He had the same Oldsmobile people there and was busy as a cat on a tin roof. So we left him after a few moment's talk. He seems like a square shooter. He did say he still wants to come to Erie to see a diesel-electric in action - was sorry he had to run away so soon when he visited us recently and hence missed that part of our program - which gave me some encouragement.