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because of the arrangement of brake pipe on #1 end, it coming out at the left of the coupler instead of the right and having a cut out cock instead of an orthodox angle cock because the latter is not made left handed. The N. Y. C. fears the cock will jar closed in transit so we have to move the handle 90° for them – it will be a good laugh on Ernie Bloss that after we made the loco the way he wants it, the Central refuses to accept it for shipment that way! Another B&M development is that the credit situation has not yet been cleared up and shipment is delayed until next week although the locos should be ready to ship on Saturday – this after all the worry over shipment being late!

Cliff Clark phoned me to say the "letter of intent" is en route from Washington to Niven and it is said to give us the full speed ahead on the 5"/38 job at last. It gives us A1 priority (next to the highest AA) on the machine tools. Now St.L. is in a quandry because he's afraid if he transmits this priority to the machine tool people, they will simply transfer tools from the turbine job to the gun mount job as the former does not yet have A-1 priority. So they are trying to establish A-1 for the turbines too so the tools will be transferred from some other unfortunate individual to us.

Finally got around today to giving Shapter a message White had given me for him Monday – but I wrote Shap a longhand note, dreading frankly to go in and talk to him. Perhaps I should've given it verbally to see what would happen but I finally shrank from it. I'm not the only one, in fact, I think White even dreaded [[underlined]]writing[[/underlined]] the message to him