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pleading no time to write letters - actually he could have dictated the message in five minutes.
Had lunch today with St.L. and Graf of Goss Printing Press Co. thereby missing Wendell Willkie who stopped here at noon for an address in Postoffice Square before 20,000 people. Graf was on a mission of cooperation in the 5"/38 program and also wanted a quotation on roller path separators which I gave him after talking to Cliff Clark. Graf was going to give us the order verbally today until he heard the price and then took a rain check until tomorrow. I liked Graf, a soft spoken, capable individual, heavy, square faced and fiftyish with a New England accent and a desire to work with us on this program - and I think his proposals would be to our mutual advantage. Gave Miss Walker, Emmet's secretary, a laugh, when in all innocence I asked her of Mr. Graf spelled his name G-R-A-F-T, since St.L. characteristically introduced him as "Mr. Graft." St.L. is great on getting names cockeyed.

We had some unpleasant excitement when I got home at 6 PM and went to get Rog at Robert Curtiss' house. When I got there the house was dark so I searched for Rog around the streets to no avail. We learned he had left the football game near the Curtiss house about 5 PM! The Curtisses have no phone - so Willie, nearly frantic, started out with me in the car to search. I must confess I began to feel uneasy myself although I put up a good front for her sake. We drove over to the Curtiss place on Shenley drive and this time there was a light. So Willie rushed in and Rog was there! The answer was that Mr. Curtiss had been repairing a lighting fixture and had the switch pulled, evidently when I went by! What a relief that was! We felt buoyant!