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Today we got the "go ahead" from Schdy. on the 5"/38 job - hooray! As Gordon McDonald would shout, "Fire up, you son-of-a-bitch! The Golden Gate is passed!" This isn't the contract, but an all inclusive "letter of intent" and the contract number "accounting details" (red tape) are yet to be settled.

Up to my leaving at 1 30 PM, no word from Graf on the separator order although he assured us yesterday he would call us by noon. Am wondering what has happened - hope he doesn't think we're trying to gyp him because we most certainly aren't.

One high spot of today is that my sore neck is improving markedly - and it is good to have that nagging little worry removed.

Left the office at 1 30PM and caught the 3 05 PM train for Cleveland with Mr. and Mrs. St. Lawrence. Had never met her before but found her a very charming lady - friendly, sincere, thoughtful, most attractive. She evidently is Canadian too - says she had two nephews in the RAF and one was killed in action over in England three weeks ago. The three of us had tea in the diner between Painesville and Cleveland. Bill Leggett met us, cheerful, gentlemanly, fluid and good looking as ever. A flying taxi trip to the Statler, a quick change to dinner clothes, and a flying trip back to the Hotel Cleveland, and we were in the midst of the "cocktail hour" imbibing scotch and soda just like any "railroad club dinner" preliminary instead of the Natural Defense Dinner of the Army Ordnance Association, Clevland [[sic]] Ordnance District. Met Major Reedall, Col. Blackmore's successor, a tall, chinless, pleasant "dynamo", as he was described by young Seegel, who accompanied us. Dinner followed and after that the program, with Major General Wesson, Chief of Ordnance of the U.S. Army, the principal speaker.