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Colonel Green, through the SAE Committee of which he is chairman, is reputed to be the one who swung the Army to hydromatic, this is interesting news from Dilworth. Captain Cummings laughed at E-M's "study" of electric drive for tanks, it was so puerile and showed so little grasp of the problem. Gouldy's theory is that Col. Green had them make it look ridiculous for psychological reasons - to make it a laughing stock.

c.)Dilworth told Bill that ultimately a committee would have to be formed on electric drive to collaborate with the Army but Col. Green "hated Whitey Wilson's guts" and if the G.E. attempted to have Whitey on it, there would only be trouble. He wanted Bill to "diplomatically" see that Whitey was not offered when the time comes!

d.)They told Bill that the GE Co. could have done everything in the diesel-electric locomotive field that E-M has done but just wouldn't "step off the deep end" the way they did - too conservative. I wonder if they think the mighty arm of the mightiest reciprocity in the U.S.A. didn't have something to do with it.

5.) St.L. ran into his friend "Charlie" Stillwell, President of Warner & Swasey, and felt he had really improved some turret lathe shipments on the turbine and gun mount program.

6.) The speakers were entertaining, particularly the toastmaster, Frederick Crawford, president of Thompson Products and the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce, but even Gen. Wesson didn't really tell us very much we didn't know already. Gen. Barnes was there at the speakers table but I had no entree to him - would have liked to heard him on the tank drive question and cussed myself for not having