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right where they were. So finally I excused myself to go up and have a smoke and then she moved over. When I got back she had gotten off and left a note on my coat - "Thank you so much. Hope we didn't spoil your trip." She was so sweet & attractive I wished I could have answered that note, assuring she most certainly did not.

This afternoon at Roger's request I walked Dusky up on Shenley to see him play football. There were only two on a side so it wasn't much of a game but I was disappointed to find Rog didn't enter into it as he should. He seems to be shy the way I was. I presume he will get over it - he really hasn't mixed with the gang enough. I think another good thing for him would be boxing lessons so he can stand up to some of these rough customers better. He's strong and husky and should be able to hold his own with any of them his age.

Had the Holmes in this evening to resume the historic bridge fued [[sic]] between Harold and I and Katherine and Willie. The men started in a blaze of glory and good cards but soon pooped out and wound up losers by 710 points. It was nice to see them again. They too have a dog Dusky's age. Katherine said she and Willie used to talk babies, then how the children were developing - now dogs - next grandchildren! So fast the time does go! Harold is still hairy handed, twitchy eyed and pleasant as ever still with Hammermill. Katherine has been through a lot of illness but now is well - has lost weight and it is very becoming to her.