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genuinely delighted to come. It was a spaghetti supper and Walt certainly was a help too. He pitched in and cooked the spaghetti, doing a wonderful job of it. Moreover, he was almost the life of the party and his conduct throughout was just about perfect from every standpoint. The dinner was a huge success, lighted by candles in empty wine bottles accompanied by Italian music. We didn't play Tripoley after all, everyone was so full of spaghetti they simply wanted to sit quietly and were equal only to the exertion of talking. Charlie Reed has gained 6 pounds in the past two week - lays it to the use of "Vigian," [[?]] a new super-vitamin pill so Willie is planning to try it. I was glad the Lamborns came because Marion was particularly nice to Mother (who has frequently said she has no use for her) and I think it may have overcome some of Mother's usual antipathy for her.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, October 28, '40.
A very interesting day. Some of the better items.

1.) Received Goss order for 12 sets of roller path separators by a wire dated last Friday, so Graf really came through after all. After I got home this evening received another wire from Goss saying Commander Uehlinger had suggested they purchase 8 additional sets and would this be satisfactory! Twenty sets of separators at $2506 each or $50,120 just like that!

2.) But what is $50,000? Today we at last received a full speed ahead on the $15,000,000 gun mount contract in the form of a letter from Cliff Clark to which was attached copy of Navy