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Erie Pa.
Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1940

1.) Whitney held court this morning over who should pay the $2000 he gave the B&M when they placed the order for the 4 locos. It was an old bill over which there had been a lot of argument dating back to air conditioning days with them. Whitey certainly put Hank Hoffman over the coals in a pleasant but firm manner and finally literally forced him to be in Boston tomorrow to settle the thing - complaint to be absorbed by Erie or concession to be swallowed by Boston. Hank admitted he gave up before "running out of executives" as Whitey put it. Whitey's idea of making an issue of this is that the B&M has rooked us from time immemorial and he wants to drive this one home to all concerned so it wont be so likely to happen again.

2.) Whitey reported that he had called Horn yesterday and "Cap" reared up and bristled all over at the suggestion he had not contacted all the requisite generals - said the tank job is in fine shape and he has personally done everything possible to see it is before the proper people. The latest high power talent he is parading before the awed eyes of the Ordnance Dept. is D.C. Prince. I was certainly glad to hear "Cap's" reaction after all the Motor Boys have said.

3.) No B&M man here today to see weighing and there are rumblings of a mutiny at Bldg. 60 where poor old Harry Ellis is running out of fuel and lube oil trying to hold the engines in a fully loaded state for this weighing ceremony. We photographed one of them today and it is a lovely little job; they should be tickled. Also