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we inquired how close the East Erie scales weigh and Lamb, the yardmaster, assured me it checked an 80,000 weigh car within 20 pounds! He actually weighed Doc Gillihan and me within 20 pounds but I'm not sure he wasn't doing a little estimating as an accessory to the job.

4.) Received order from Goss to proceed with 8 additional sets of separators.

5.) Had lunch at the Erie Restaurant with Gordon McDonald, Harold Ogden, Reggie Eaton and Berny Woodward. Most of the luncheon was devoted to argument as to how they degauss a ship (called "degoose" by the navy). Eaton is in the Naval Reserve and likely to be called any moment. He claimed they run some cables around the ship and pass current through from a welding generator. Odgen said he thought it was silly - not enough power. Eaton said he didn't care what Harold thought - it was being done successfully. The talk turned to magnetic mines, the cause of "degoosing", the accuracy of shell fire at 40000 yards, etc. etc. with Eaton as usual doing most of the talking but interestingly.

6.) Gordon McDonald, home from vacation and a trip over the new Pennsylvania "dream highway" between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh, reports that all garages at both ends of the highway are filled with cars with clutches, bearings, rear ends, etc. burned out from the grilling over enthusiastic speedsters have given them travelling over the super-highway.

7.) As Whitey was leaving the office at 5 PM he stopped at my desk and asked if I would be busy tomorrow. I told him it looked like an easy day at the moment. "Well," he said, "Shap is in Butte and Jake will be away and Eddie will be alone. So will you go over