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have the other two out of town by Monday.

Tank drive developments today were:

1.) Alger wrote Mark Hanna that D.C. Prince is going to visit Baldwins Monday – visited Col. Barnes last Tuesday. We sent him copy of the Spec. and my last letter, and trust he is not upsetting an applecart – Cash seemed to have some qualms about it.

2.) Frank Headley wrote me there is a rumor around Philadelphia that [[underlined]]General Motors[[/underlined]] is making a strong bid to build electric drive for a pilot tank! All these GM stories floating around are interesting and contradictory. I wonder if they are trying to kid us!

Willie and Mother went to some kind of an all afternoon affair at the First Presbyterian Church, where Mildred MacDonald seems to be making quite an effort to get us to join. Willie isn't sold on it yet although we know a lot of people there including the Wilsons, Gouldthorpes, Keeps[[?]], Richards, Aydelotts and MacDonalds; she wants to investigate the Church of the Covenant carefully. Speaking of the Wilsons and Gouldthorpes, they left this morning for State College for the Nov. 2nd game we couldn't go to. The weather is rotten today so we're just as well pleased we didn't try to make it although I do think it would be a barrel of fun once we got there.

Am trying to line up to go to New England the middle of next week but can see it is going to take some careful planning to get everything done and everybody happy before I leave – after election of course.