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Bab went to a Halloween masquerade tonight wearing among other things, a pair of my 1927 trousers (when I was thinner) but it was surprising even then how beautifully they fitted her! She's getting to be a big girl.

Erie, Penna.,
Sunday, Nov. 3, 1940.
Got up ahead of the family as usual this morning to go down cellar in bathrobe and pajamas and bedroom slippers to take Dusky out - or to "service" Dusky as we say somewhat flippantly occasionally. This morning I was careless as I let him out the backdoor on his leash and he pulled it out of my hand! Fortunately for me, he had his breakfast on his mind more than romping away through the neighborhood and I was able to lure him back into the stormhouse. But for a minute I could see myself chasing all around the neighborhood in my scanty attire. Another thought was that if Rog had let him slip away instead of me, I should undoubtedly have upbraided him soundly for his carelessness.

This morning at last we went to church - the whole family to the Covenant and I must confess it seemed pretty good. Bab and Rog went to Junior Church while Willie, Mother and I attended regular church and the children reported liking it. Rog already had attended Sunday School. There is something satisfactory about going to church. It's not so much what you hear preached or prayed but to use the atmosphere of reverence, the soft music, the calm and peace and thoughtfulness of the place - the association with people once a week who are trying to do something a little finer than they do normally. I