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know we should join a church and attend regularly and get the children going regularly to Sunday School. This is a start and as far as I'm concerned, I'll do all I can to make it stick. I enjoyed the service today - it was much like the Unitarian service I'm used to. The church itself is big and beautiful and inspiring and it was nearly full - also inspiring. Lee Tarno was one of the ushers, resplendent in formal morning clothes and looking very handsome. Charlie Reed marched in with the choir, robed and trying hard to act very serious when he saw us. Walt Scarborough was there alone. I should like to get well enough entrenched to feel at home there and attend regularly and get back again to the point where church is a regular part of my life. It cannot fail to add something that has been lacking for a long time. I liked the Rev. McAfee's remark in his sermon that by "good," he did not mean "goody-good."

This afternoon the whole family went to see Gary Cooper and Walter Brennan in "The Westerner," a fine, virile, blood and thunder movie of Texas in the 80's when the cattle men were at war with the homesteaders. The latter wanted to farm the land and build fences to protect their crops - this interfered with the freedom of the range as far as the cattlemen were concerned and bloody battle and sabotage ensued. This Brennan is one marvellous actor - Gary at his best too.

Today Rog says to me (to illustrate the prevailing thought of the times), "If a dog lived to be 21 years old, could he vote?" He is pushing ahead aggressively with his Vultee transport and doing a good job with it too.