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quite forgotten for the time being- and they both voted for Roosevelt too because as Roy explained it, he felt sure Roosevelt was really going to extend all possible help to Britain.

We picked up Ernie, just recovering from a nose infection and a terrific case of athlete's foot (I don't think he can be too healthy) and as luck would have it, we drove by the Goggin apartment en route out of town. The suggestion was we should stop for [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] "MG special" , so we dropped into a liquor store, got a quart of scotch , a quart of rye and a half pint of "Rocking Chair Rye" (55[[cent symbol]]) for a joke on Marion, and trooped in. Roy and Marion were there and the "MG Specials" began to flow. I took two - didn't dare even start the third I began to feel so woozy. Ernie had three-Neil claimed he had four! Ernie and Roy had a serious political discussion - Neil, Marion and I bantered and talked trivia. Finally about 8 PM we packed off with a half bottle of scotch Marion gave us (the one we brought was nearly emptied!) and headed westward. Failing to locate the "1776 House" near Concord, we wound up for dinner at the "Nashoba Manor" where there was more scotch and some steaks two inches thick and so voluminous we couldn't finish them - all this under the eye of "Tillie" a black eyes buxom Italian girl who humored us and certainly produced a rare meal. Ernie went into one of his pale spells and we left hastily. The cold air seemed to revive him and he and I later went to sleep while Neil wheeled all the way to North Adams where we holed into the Richmond about 1:30 AM. I slept most of the way up, awakening once to see snow all around - never even knew Neil stopped at Greenfield for a beer! To bed at 2 AM