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Andy said too, that he had heard no recriminations about the firemen being ousted; perhaps the engineers are glad to be rid of them. I know Fred Bordeau at North Adams said his fireman used to talk him to death!

Harry Balch had luncheon with us. He said he had asked Duff Foster how he liked her. Duff: "I'm very disappointed!" Harry: "Why?" Duff: "Because she's so god dammed much better than I thought they knew how to build!" Harry left us after lunch, and after a session in the room on miscellaneous things with Andy Johnson, during which I showed him to his surprise that he was wrong on a wiring change he had made (my old control training came in handy), we hopped off, Roy for Laconia to hunt coon, Neil and I for Boston. After some indecision as to whether or not to spend the night in Boston and fly home tomorrow, I decided to take the 11:15 PM train. It was a lovely drive down while the light lasted - the snow and ice covered mountain tops bathed in the pink rays of sunset, the ice gleaming on the trees, the long purple shadows in the valleys. We aled at Plymouth where a dachshound and a mastiff in the ale house provided a marked contrast; we lobstered at Alma's at Manchester, had a farewell Cutty Sark at South Station at 10:30 PM, and I boarded the train, tired but feeling it had been a good trip. Now to go back and start my new career!

Erie, Pa.,
Sunday, Nov. 10, 1940.
Arose at Rome, N.Y., thought of Freddie and Rosemary while I shaved. Breakfasted near a fellow I am quite sure was John Barnes of childhood days but wasn't