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sure enough to approach him - particularly as he seemed all engrossed with some other man about boats. Underwent some nostalgic feelings as we rolled through Syracuse and I viewed some of the old landmarks. Got home to find the family at the station, well and happy. When we got home, Willie told me Bearce had been after her for a photo of me - so evidently the deal is on and they are going to splash me in the Works News this week- Bearce told Willie "Mr. Wilson" had asked him to prepare a notice. Willie had been noncommittal with Mother about all this because I had told her to keep it all under her hat until it was definite. So Mother questioned me and I told her what I "thought" it meant. Later on she was all in the air with the old worries, as bad as ever.

Erie, Pa.,
Monday, Nov. 11, 1940.
Events of the day:

1.) About 3:30PM, Miss Giblin came out and said in an awed and apprehensive voice, "Mr. Wilson wants you to come in. He had Shapter in there." I went in fast and was glad it was sudden that way, Whitey said, "Forie, from now on you're head of the Industrial Haulage Section." He went on to say Shap had agreed to cooperate fully with me. Before the session was over Shap referred to me several times as "Forie" - he never did that before in his life to my knowledge! It was a vast relief, this breaking of the ice without a riot. We thrice talked at length about things quite normally - Shap wanted to wash his hands completely of the diesel business and devote his energies entirely to mining locos. But