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Erie, Pa.,
Monday, Nov. 18, 1940.
Today, more than ever, I felt like the rooster in Esquire's famed cartoons when he sighed and said, "Ah me! So little time - so much to do!" I was on the jump all day and getting farther in the hole every hour but I managed to keep my head above water and wound up with the major things done:

1.) Reviewed Jake's wildcat 20 and 30 ton mechanical drive job for Marsh and supplied Whitey with enough ammunition to turn it down I think. It was a question of not dampening Jake's ardor and still squelching the thing to me. As I see it there would be little profit in it against these small chassis builders and it would embarass us in our regular lines. It isn't dead yet but I think its on the way out.

2.) Got Mac started on a power plant proposition for the target car after White talked to me for fifteen minutes in characteristic style. He hopes to get the order shortly.

3.) Established the fact that the drawbar horsepower of 140 we let Marsh set here last week for the 35 ton is too low, except for Cummins L engine at sea level and 80°F. Jake declared the engine rated up to 1000 ft., in direct contradiction to information Barrell has from Cummins. Am finding you have to watch Jake - he's inclined to be wild. I told White the story to clear us.

4.) Analyzed district reports on prospective business in standard locomotives; sent jack-up wires to some of the boys.

5.) Shap invited me to luncheon today with Laile & a Frick man.

Home again tonight to work some more after dinner with the family at the Den.