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4.) Sam Littlejohn wanted me to come to Philadelphia next Monday to address a sales meeting - I begged off and am sending Jake, who did it once before down there and made a hit.

5.) Attended Carl Geiger's weekly production meeting and began to learn the ropes on MO's etc.

6.) We have six Navy locos earmarked in our 45 ton standard production line because we were low bidder. They are 50 ton and some will have a special coupler arrangement for 50 ft radius curve with car. I find today we are apparently in a snarl because the coupler takes a special underframe and Shap didn't add anything to shipment for it - only gave them a price addition - and gave the regular production promise for standard locos as though they are to come off the standard line! The extra 5 tons is OK because ballastcan be added readily. More worries!

7.) Cousin Abbie died late last week - a mercy. I guess she suffered terribly with arthritis. 

8.) Bill Thorpe has been demoted and Belanger made assistant manager of Federal & Marine. Whitey says Bill was tried and found wanting.

9.) Went to a PTA meeting at Harding school with Willie and Mother and really enjoyed it. They had a round table on "What a Parent Should Expect of his Child," led by Pitt Gifford, that was excellent and entertaining. Fell for Mrs. Downing and her faint German accent.

10.) Ben Luther was at PTA and goes to St. Vincents tomorrow at 7AM, the mystic hour, to have Delaney carve his tonsils out. He still wants a local and is going to have it.