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Erie, Pa.,
Friday, Nov. 22, 1940.

The usual whirl at the office. Major items:

1.) Released 10 more 45 ton 300 HP standard locos today for production - my first big MO.

2.) Learned that Walt Scarborough is going to Schdy, to Federal & Maine Jan. 1st. (if he doesn't get called for army duty first). That will probably be the end of Walter in Erie for several years - maybe forever, and I suppose it will forever put an end to the possibility of Maybelle and him getting together again. So the romance fostered by H.L. Andrews and a rebound from Tom Sawyer seems at least to be reaching a definite conclusion. Walt seems pleased with it all.

3.) In a conversation with Jack Hause today, learned his hometown is Louisville and he graduated from the University of Louisville! Must have him out to the house for dinner soon. Also learned from him that White in Washington is not liked in the Wash. Office because he is too tight - even bums cigarettes off the boys to save money - and that White is a born statistician - has records of Govt orders years back. Also, to my surprise, that when White has one or two drinks, he's funny as hell. Amazing! Shall have to try it some time.

4.) Big poker game at the house tonight for the Colonel - Whitey, Gouldy, Compton, Perk, Walt Scarborough, Colonel and I. Won 52ยข. It was rather hilarious with Cream of Kentucky highballs as kickers, and I believe all had a good time. To bed at 1 AM feeling I had a lot of work to do.