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4.) Sent Blaiklock a courtesy bid on 35 - 23 ton std. diesel-electrics for the Army on an invitation for 20 ton gas-mechanicals.
5.) Had lunch with Shap - we seem to lunch together frequently.  I'm suspecting the old bird might actually be taking a fancy to me.  Perhaps that's utter optimism but what the hell.
6.) Heard from Horn on approaching the Corps of Engineers on allocating loco business and Whitey will go down next week to see what can be done.
7.) Shap heard we are sending a 44 ton railway type to Bethlehem Steel, Steelton Plant for demonstration it being the only thing available.  Shap hit the roof - said the job required at least 65 tons.  The Philly office decided to send it there; another thing to dig into.
8.)  Went to dinner at the Cain's - Polly and Jack Anderson there too.  A very chatty pleasant evening - they are good company.  Of course, the invitation to dinner at this time makes one wonder but that is a poor way to look at it.  I think the thing to do is accept the gesture and reciprocate, after all, they are pleasant, friendly, good companions and always have been.  Basil and I were shocked to hear Polly refer to the target car - which is supposed to be strictly secret; she heard about it from Tintle!  I was drawn to Jack and Polly considerably tonight - they have some very good points, - for instance their raising of Brent and Julia, who are now in college.  It must have been quite a struggle because I don't believe they have had any too easy going the past few years since Jack left the GE.