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Expeditions and Research Stations(Continued)
   Haiti,      484,543,561,595.
   Harqua Hala 482,549,559,580,641,677.
   Mt.Wilson   482,558.
   National Museum(General) 864,884.
   Panama      596.
   West Indies 596.


Fewkes,Dr.J.W. 541,557,582,588,645,708.
Ford,J.A.      884.
Foshag,W.F.    728,885.
Fowle,F.E.     671,822.
Freer Bequest:
   Curator     485,574,700,714.
   Deed of Gift738,744,746,763,806.
   Estate      477,505,517,524,549,676,684,726,744,763,781,796,806.
   Gallery     488,504,562,573,580,591,592,608,611.
   Income tax refund ^[[659,]] 846,882.
   Inheritance tax 477,500,517,550,699,709.
   Sinking fund    580,641,665,685,726.
Freer,Watson M.    472.
French,Willard     480.
Friedenwald,Herbert 801.
Funds of S.I.-
    Consolidated   476,506,551,581,609,641,665,686.
    Finances,Statement of  565,606,756,765.
    Increase of    555,569,635,648,665,675,686,688,698,709,724,736,743,745,748,768,796.
    Secretary to invest 490,573.


Garfield,H.A.       638
Gellatly Art Collection  804,823,824,859,880.
Gellatly,Mrs.John (Claim of) 859.
Gidley,J.W.         864,885.
Gifford,W.S.        680.
Gilmore,C.W.        707,864,884.
Goddard,R.H.        474,477.
Government activities by S.I.  670.
"[[ditto for Government]] audit of S.I.accounts   653.
"[[ditto for Government]] Departments, Reorgan.of 597,613.
Graham,D.C.         595.
Grosvenor,G.H.      618,681.


Harriman(Mrs.E.C.) Alaskan Library 784.
Harrington,J.P.     558,822.
Havenner,G.C.       857.
Hayden,Charles      687
Hecker,Frank        519.
Henry,Joseph        491,585,680,681.
Hewitt,J.N.B.       558.