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(1846 - 1878), an immediate bequest of One thousand dollars is made to the Institution, which is also to receive, with the exception of about $7.500 in direct bequests, the remainder of the estate after the death of certain beneficiaries. 


The Secretary stated that by the will of Mrs. Virginia Purdy Bacon, of New York, who died in 1919, the Institution was given $50,000 to establish the Walter Rathbone Bacon (traveling) Scholarship for the study of the fauna of countries other than the United States. This estate cannot be finally settled for some time, owing to complications with two other estates, but the executors are prepared to transfer to the Institution (as they are empowered to do under the will) securities to the value of $45,000 at the tax appraiser's valuation.

The Secretary read a list of the securities comprising the amount to be turned over to the Institution.


There being no further business to come before the meeting, on motion the Board adjourned, after which the Regents viewed a collection of exhibits illustrating several lines of the Institution's activities.

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[[signed]] Charles D Walcott
Secretary [[/signed]]