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Bixby, W. K.
Blashfield, Edwin H.
French, Daniel Chester
Platt, Charles A.
Pratt, Herbert L.

Mr. Walcott, Secretary of the Institution, opened the meeting with a brief statement regarding the National Gallery and its need for the organization which had been planned to look after its future welfare. He stated that the special Committee of the Board of Regents which was appointed on December 9, 1920, had gone very thoroughly into the subject of a scheme of organization and on its recommendation the members of the Commission had been appointed. He briefly outlined the functions of the Commission and of the Executive Committee and the Special Committees, as mentioned in the plan of organization.

The election of officers resulted as follows:

Daniel C. French, Chairman
Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Vice Chairman
W. H. Holmes, Secretary.

In the absence of [[strikethrough]][d?][/strikethrough]] ^[[D]]r. French, the Vice Chairman took the chair as presiding officer of the meeting.

The length of terms of the members of the Commission: three for one year, and 4 each for 2, 3, and 4 years, was then decided by drawing, as follows: (See p. [[underlined in red]](510)[[/underlined in red]]. [[^*]]

In accordance with the plan of the Regents, an Executive Committee, consisting of five members, was elected as follows:

Charles Moore, Chairman
Daniel Chester French (ex officio)
W. H. Holmes (ex officio)
Herbert Adams
James Parmelee
C. D. Walcott

Mr. Frank Jewett Mather, Jr., Vice Chairman of the Commission was designated to act as a member of the Executive Committee whenever [[strikethrough]] d [[/strikethrough]] Dr. French was absent.

The following Special Committees (sub-committees) were named:
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[[headings underlined]]

[[number]] | Sub-Committee | Chairman 
1. | American Painting | Edward W. Redfield
2. | Modern European Painting | Gari Melchers
3. | Ancient European Painting | Frank J. Mather, Jr.
4. | Oriental Art | John E. Lodge
5. | Sculpture | Herbert Adams
6. | Architecture | Charles A. Platt
7. | Mural Painting | Edwin H. Blashfied
8. | Ceramics | Joseph H. Gest
9. | Textiles | Denman W. Ross
10. | Prints | James Parmelee
11. | Portrait Gallery | Herbert L. Pratt 

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]