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The scope of the Gallery acquisitions;

The importance of publicity and other agencies of Gallery promotion;

The advisability of enlisting in Gallery work the services of such art writers as Cortissoz, Downs, and others.

Mr. Mather was requested to prepare for publication in appropriate journals a statement regarding the organization of the Commission and the work to be accomplished for the National Gallery and the requirements of the undertaking.

Charles Moore,
Chairman of the Committee.

W. H. Holmes,
Secretary of the Committee.

[[underlined]] December 5, 1921. [[/underlined]]

The second meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Cosmos Club, at 8.30 P.M., December 5, 1921.

Charles Moore, Chairman
Herbert Adams
Daniel Chester French
W. H. Holmes, Secretary
James Parmelee
Charles D. Walcott

Mr. Edwin H. Blashfield and Mr. Frank J. Mather, Jr., were present by invitation.

The minutes of the meeting of June 17, 1921, were read and, on motion, approved.

Mr. Mather then presented a plan for "A Louvre-Luxembourg Relation for the National Gallery of Art and the Corcoran Gallery", as follows:

(See report of Commission, p. [[underlined in red]]513[[/underlined in red]]) ^[[red *]]

Considerable discussion of the plan ensued, after which it was decided that the entire matter should be brought before the meeting of the Commission on December 6, for consideration and such action as it might wish to take.

Dr. Moore, as Chairman of the Committee on Building, then outlined the importance of steps directed toward the authorization by Congress of funds for securing plans for a building for the National Gallery, and presented to the Committee the following draft of a proposed

[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]