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Regent expired on February 20, 1922, and that he had decided not to accept another term.  Dr. Bell's illness terminated fatally on August 2, at his home in Baddeck, Nova Scotia.  A telegram was sent to Mrs. Bell:

"The Smithsonian Institution, honored for many years by Doctor Bell as a Regent and Collaborator, begs to express deep regret at the closing of a long life in which he so eminently wrought for science and humanity."

In view of Dr. Bell's long service as a Regent, it was suggested that there be included in the records of the Board a suitable brief memorial to his life and work.

The Chief Justice then presented the following resolution which was adopted:

RESOLVED:  That the EXecutive Committee be requested to prepare a memorial commemorative of the life and work of Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, Regent of the Smithsonian Institution from 1898 to 1922, said memorial to be presented at the next Annual Meeting of the Board.


The Secretary announced the following appointments by the Speaker of the House of Representatives:

January 4, 1922 - The Honorable Frank L. Greene, of Vermont; (Reappointment);

January 4, 1922 - The Honorable Albert Johnson, of the State of Washington, to succeed the late John A. Elston;
December 7, 1922 - The Honorable Robert Walton Moore, of Virginia, to succeed the late Lemuel P. Padgett.

The Secretary stated that Dr. Bell's term as a Regent expired on February 20, 1922.  To fill the vacancy thus created, a Joint Resolution providing for the appointment of Mr. John A. Roebling, of New Jersey, as a citizen Regent, was introduced in the Senate by Senator Stanley on May 5, 1922, and passed the same day.  On May 8, it was referred to the House Committee on the Library, from which it was rested and referred to the House Calendar May 22, where it is at present; under date of August 18, Mr. Roebling requested the withdrawal 
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