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Smithsonian Institution 606

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$15,000. With such prevailing salaries it would be impossible to secure the type of Assistant Secretary desired without adequate compensation.

After full discussion, on motion the following resolutions were adopted:

RESOLVED; That the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution declare the need of an additional Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, whose salary shall be provided for by Congressional appropriation; the said Assistant Secretary to be charged with the administration, under the direction of the Secretary, of the National Museum, Art Galleries, Zoological Park, and Bureau of American Ethnology, and with such other duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Secretary.

RESOLVED; That this resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, with the request that if it meet his approval, an item be submitted to the Congress for inclusion in the Independent Offices Appropriation Bill, providing for an Assistant Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution at a compensation of $7,500.00 per annum.


The Secretary spoke of the urgent need of a larger endowment; that work of the most important character was being held back for lack of funds to carry it on. He referred to the folder appeals that are sent out with the Institution's publications, and to their meager returns, only some half a dozen small contributions having been received. In this connection he read a letter from a Smithsonian employee who had been in the service for forty years, and who had contributed ten dollars. The Regents were much pleased with the spirit shown by this donor, and asked the Secretary to inform her of their appreciation.

The following statement, prepared at the suggestion of Mr. Delano, shows the condition of the various funds under the Institution, the purpose of each, and the annual income received from them in 1923. 
