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The Secretary added that it might be of interest to the Board to know that in an article entitled "The Most Popular Publications", by Mary A. Hartwell, Cataloguer in the Office of the Superintendent of Documents, a report is given of the standing in popularity of the publications of the various Executive Department and Independent Establishments as shown by the number of requests received there with the following result: - 

Smithsonian Institution Annual Report
Pan American Union Bulletin
Yearbook of Dept. Agriculture; Census Bureau Final Reports
Congressional Record    (Same number of requests)
American Historical Association Annual Reports
Census Bureau Abstract and Compendiums
Farmers' Bulletins - by Dept. Agriculture
Department Bulletins - By " "[[ditto for Dept. Agriculture]]

A general discussion followed in which it was plainly the sense of the Board that the matter of inadequate appropriations for this purpose should be brought to the attention of the Appropriations Committee. The Secretary remarked that he was prohibited from so doing by the President's order. It was then suggested that a statement by prepared and sent to Mr. Newton, who said he would present it to the Committee. It was further suggested that Senator Stanley might be also supplied with the statement, to which the Senator replied that he would be glad to receive it and to do anything in his power to procure favorable action on the part of the Senate Committee. Mr. Moore added that he would gladly aid in this connection.


The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Gilbert H. Grosvenor expressing the appreciation of the family of the late Dr. A. Graham Bell for the memorial adopted by the Board at the Annual Meeting on December 13 last.
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]