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13. The text to be approved by both the DeVan interests and by the Editors in chief and associate. 

14. The text to be written (subject to editorial revision) by authors selected by the Editors in chief and associate. 

15. Authors' names to appear in the title page.

16. Several authors may collaborate on single volumes.

17. Volumes to contain approximately 50,000 words of text each.

18. Authors to receive compensation at the following rates:
Grade A text [[blank space]] per thousand words
Grade B text [[blank space]] per thousand words.

19. Grades of text and lengths of composition to be certified by the Associate Editor.

20. The Editor in chief to receive compensation at [[blank space]] per hour. 

21. The Associate Editor to receive compensation at [[blank space]] per hour.

22. Each volume to be illustrated by approximately 50 pages of illustrations, some plates, some text figures. Colored illustrations will appear. 

23.  Cost of preparing copy for illustrations to be paid for at fair rates. Costs to be certified by Associate Editor. 

24. All photographs and subjects for photographs available at the Institution and its branches to be at disposal without royalty.  

25. Titles of series and separate books and their definite authorship to be arranged for the complete series in conference between Editors in chief and associate and the DeVan interests, before going on with any single books.

26. Contracts with authors to call for completion of their texts with satisfactory provision of illustrations before December 31, 1925.  

27. The publication to be completed within [[blank space]] years. 

[[underlined]] Preliminary Outline of Proposed Book Series. [[/underlined]]

I. The Smithsonian Institution.

1. James Smithson and his bequest.
2. Founding the Institution.
3. Famous men who counseled.
4. Benefactors.
5. The first Secretary, Joseph Henry, the Physicist. 
6. The second Secretary, Spencer F. Baird, the Naturalist. 
7. The third Secretary, Samuel P. Langley, the Astronomer. 
8. The fourth Secretary, Charles D. Walcott, the Geologist. 
[[initialed]] CDW [[/initialed]]