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necessary to make the personal approaches to prospective givers will be set up, all meetings, dinners and luncheons arranged, prospective givers prepared for personal approach and the functioning of the campaign machinery assured.

Tamblyn and Brown estimate, from the survey made and from the record of expense in similar campaigns, that the total maximum cost of such an effort to raise $1,000,000 for the Smithsonian Institution will be Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000).

One-half of this sum, or $25,000, is a fixed sum to cover the fee and overhead of the firm, the personal supervision of the entire organization work by Mr. Tamblyn and the personal supervision of the publicity program by Mr. Brown, together with the salaries of the director in chief, four assistants and one headquarters secretary; of one newspaper publicity expert; of publicity department experts necessary to produce the pamphlet publicity and all the stenographic and typing workers required.

The payment of this salary portion of the budget is distributed over the entire period of the campaign.

The remaining $25,000 is to cover the rental and headquarters expenses for four months, the cost of all dinners, luncheons, meetings, travel, hotel accommodations, postage, printing, stationery, supplies, telephone and telegraph charges and all incidentals, including the expenses of members of the various committees actually engaged in the campaign work.

The publicity program includes preparation and printing of 10,000 illustrated booklets and 30,000 each of a facts leaflet and of a sales folder.

The $25,000 allowed for the above expense section of the campaign budget is paid by Tamblyn and Brown as the various charges accrue, and vouchers are presented for reimbursement.  Accordingly, if the objective of the campaign is reached without expenditure of this entire $25,000 expense allowance, the saving will be to the Smithsonian Institution.

Tamblyn and Brown guarantee that the total expense of the campaign will not exceed $50,000 and assure every effort of economy and efficiency toward a lesser expenditure.

In the event of a successful issue of the first $1,000,000 unit effort the same campaign method and plan of organization can be extended to succeeding units of other centers of population, with considerable savings of expense because of the preparation of all pamphlet literature and publicity material.

As we are informed the Smithsonian Institution has no funds available for financing a campaign, it is respectfully submitted that a limited number of the friends of the Institution and those interested in enlargement of its work may very properly be appealed to to underwrite such expense.  It is always good campaign psychology to be able to assure prospective givers that such expenses have been provided for and that their contributions, therefore, will go directly to the purpose for which the effort is conducted.

We are attaching a list of the principal campaigns concluded, or now in operation, by our firm, for your information.
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