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In the work of organizing and operating this campaign we found Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown alert, resourceful and effective.  In an effort of this character, of course, the actual subscriptions to a proposed fund have to be secured by people who are connected with and interested in the cause for which the fund is being raised.  This has to be accomplished largely through personal influence.  So far as the routine work involved in organizing Committees, in making the arrangements for and conducting the meetings incident to the preparation for the campaign and during its progress, in maintaining the necessary records and in sending out the literature, etc.; in fact, in all of the mechanical work and in the organization work the services rendered by Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown appear to the writer to be as effective as could be rendered by anyone in the relationship which Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown bore to the campaign.  If I were interested in another campaign of this character I should endeavor to secure the services of this firm.  Notwithstanding the foregoing I would again emphasize that the actual raising of the funds must be accomplished through the personal influence of people who are directly interested in the cause for which the fund is being raised.

If there is any further information which I can give you concerning the work of Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown please do not hesitate to call upon me.

Very truly yours,

(Signed)  Anson W. Burchard.

Franklin D. Roosevelt,
Hyde Park, Dutchess County,
New York.
120 Broadway,
New York City.

November 18, 1924.

My dear Dr. Walcott:

I am very glad to give a clean bill of health to Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown.  They are conducting the Cathedral Campaign of which I am Chairman.  Last year they entered into the contract to carry on this work - the contract was not on a percentage basis, but gave two estimates - one for a minimum sum to be expended on the drive, the other for a maximum sum.  By this method the Trustees of the Cathedral knew the worst that could happen!  Out Campaign does not culminate until next January, but so far has been, on the whole, successful.  We have raised $3,000,000 and expect to raise $3,000,000 more from special givers, and then in January make the general appeal to the public which should net us a million or two more.  So far the expenses of Messrs. Tamblyn and Brown have actually run proportionately below the minimum, and the Trustees of the Cathedral are entirely satisfied with their work.

Both Mr. Tamblyn and Mr. Brown have an excellent standing and last year when we looked into the work they had previously done we were in every way satisfied as to their ability.

I much wish that I could get on to Washington some day this winter but I am still on crutches and do not expect to do more than pass through it on my way to Florida in February.  If you and Mrs. Walcott are in New York at any time do come and see us at 49 E. 65th Street.
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