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Florida. Of this last, Mr. E.M. Elliott, of St. Petersburg, Florida, has requested permission to reprint 10,000 copies for distribution in that State. 

Among the numerous National Museum Publications of the year may be mentioned one by the late N. Hollister on "East African Mammals in the United States National Museum", which is the third part of a bulletin describing the collections made in Africa by Theodore Roosevelt, Paul Rainey, and other collectors.

Of particular interest among the publications of the Bureau of American Ethnology is a comprehensive monograph of 745 pages on the Arts, Crafts, and Customs of the Guiana Indians, by Walter E. Roth.

On motion, the Secretary's Report was accepted.


The Secretary said that for the information of the new Regents, he would remind the Board that in the past it had been the custom when matters affecting the Institution were before Congress, for the Regents on the part of the Senate and House to be called in informal conference, usually by Senator Lodge, and a plan of procedure outlined. He hoped that Senator Smoot would be willing to continue this custom, to which the Senator replied that he would be very glad to do so.


The Secretary called attention to several important matters to be brought before the Board that could be considered at an adjourned meeting.

A motion was then carried that the Board now adjourn to meet again on Monday, January 5, 1925, at half after nine o'clock A.M.

The Regents then repaired to the Secretary's Office where they viewed a small exhibit showing the progress of the work in several of the branches under the charge of the Institution.

[[signed]]Charles D. Walcott[[/signed]]