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given the Institution on the Zoo estimates by the District Commissioners.  For two years the estimates were simply reduced to the figures for the previous year and returned to the Budget without the Institution even knowing the amount thus approved by the Commissioners.  The Commissioners even changed all figures in the detailed statement accompanying the estimates to agree exactly with those of the preceding year, thus presenting to the Budget and later to Congress useless and misleading figures in explanation of the proposed expenditures.

Last year, owing to the fact that the Commissioners were obliged to call on the Institution for details regarding reclassification allotments before returning our estimates to the Budget, we were able, at the last minute, to learn the amount approved for the Zoo by the Commissioners, prepare an accurate revised statement to accompany the reduced estimates, and induce the District Auditor to submit two of the items, cut from our estimates by the District Commissioners, to the Budget in a supplemental estimate.  There is no reason to suppose that we will have this information or opportunity in the future, any more than we did in previous years.

I do not think that the District Commissioners should be given the arbitrary power to control the finances of the National Zoological Park, which is placed by law under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution.

Is it not practicable to include the estimate for the Park in the Independent Offices bill along with the other estimates for Government bureaus administered under the direction of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution?  The latter are held responsible for the care and administration of the Park and there should not be any divided responsibility in relation to the entire charge of all matters bearing upon its administration.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) C. D. Walcott.

General H. M. Lord,
Director, Bureau of the Budget,
Treasury Department,
Washington, D. C.

June 18, 1924.

Dear Mr. Rudolph:

I am enclosing herewith a copy of a letter addressed to General Lord in relation to the estimates and appropriations for the National Zoological Park.

The letter calls attention to the existing conditions and is not intended as a criticism of the Board of Commissioners of the District.

Very truly yours,

(Signed) C. D. Walcott.

Honorable Cuno H. Rudolph,
President, Board of Commissioners,
District of Columbia.
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